Open a crypto account for your business

Invest and diversify your company holdings in a safe and compliant digital asset wallet. Hold and convert fiat and digital currencies through Fipto's platform, supported by strong governance tools.

Fipto is a registered Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) by the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

Fipto cross border payments
Invest in digital assets

Allocate part of your company treasury in digital currencies to diversify your cash holdings.

No intermediary bank fees
Secure custodial wallets
Unlimited nominative IBANs available in EUR
Unlimited multi-party computation (MPC) wallets
Manage your portfolios

Manage your fiat and cryptocurrency portfolios with robust governance tools.

User permissions
Valuation for tax/accounting and historical transaction logs
Two-factor authentication
Convert currencies

Easily convert currencies and switch between your fiat and digital asset wallets.

Seamless wallet infrastructure for both fiat and cryptocurrencies
Request for conversions at the best price.
Extensive digital currency coverage

Putting security and compliance first

Fipto's platform meets the highest certification standards to help reduce compliance burdens for your business and keep your corporate treasury and payments safe. Learn more on how we secure client funds.

Uncompromising security

Secure multi-party computation (MPC) wallets
Two-factor authentication
Role-based access control and rule-based validation
Financial statements, risk exposure and audit tools/reports

Strict compliance

Fipto is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider DASP by the French financial market authority (AMF) and certified to the highest industry standards.

AML and CFT checks
Blockchain screening
Segregated accounts
Fipto ISO 27001
ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Help us build the ideal demo for you

Tell us about your business so our experts can create a tailored experience for your demo.

What we will cover:

Review your business needs together
Give you a tour of the Fipto platform
Answer all your questions
Help you get started with your onboarding

Need support? Read our FAQ or contact us